
A Biz Simplification Guide for Entrepreneurs: 6 Things to Simplify Now, and What to Never Put on Auto-pilot

A Biz Simplification Guide for Entrepreneurs: 6 Things to Simplify Now, and What to Never Put on Auto-pilot

It seems like we are in uncharted territory: Working from home, keeping the household moving...and doing it all while helping our kids pass 5th-grade math. There are ways that automation can save your sanity in the middle of a pandemic or otherwise. Here are 6 ways you can immediately simplify your work life, and a few things I wouldn’t advise automating.

Entrepreneurs: Just Say No To Grabbing Coffee (And What To Do Instead)

Entrepreneurs: Just Say No To Grabbing Coffee  (And What To Do Instead)

Cue the throwing of the tomatoes. Let’s get honest about something that does as much damage to productivity in entrepreneurship as mindless scrolling on social media: the coffee date. We all like to talk about productivity, and crushing our goals until they actually cost us something. Many times entrepreneurship means sacrificing what others won’t sacrifice, to have what others don’t have.